Japanese Level at Admission / N5
Q. What kind of career path did you take after graduating from TCJ? Also, please tell us the reason why you chose your career path.
After graduating from TCJ, I will go back home to enroll in a university in Davao City, Philippines. In college, I will take a course related to business because since I was young I am surrounded with business minded people, especially my mother. We were trained and dealt with business since we were elementary up until now and that molded us not only by having knowledge about doing business but also helped us with our growth, by being responsible, independent, and to know how to stand on our own feet. With that we were also trained on how to face different situations and challenges that may occur as we are having our journey to success.
Q. What are your goals and dreams for the future? Please be as specific as possible.
Everybody’s goal is to become successful in their own ways. And as for me, I would also like to become successful in a simple but helpful way. In the future, I would like to be in a business related industry and since I am going to take a business related course, I would like to work for a company or rather make a company that could help and benefit both countries. A business that could help strive not just for the company itself but also for the employees, communities, society and specially the environment. It’s best to work on a company that provides the best corporate social practices and good quality of services.
Q. Please give some advice to students who will join TCJ in the future and current students based on your experience.
Before I entered TCJ, my JLPT level was N5. On the first day of class, I had a difficulty when it comes to talking to other people, understand the lessons, and reading the texts, paragraphs and sentences written especially the Kanji Characters. In my class there are students with different nationality such as Chinese and Vietnamese classmates and Japanese teachers. Since these countries don’t use english language to communicate, I was challenged to speak in Japanese and that helped me with my communication skills. With that, it really enhanced my communication skills. Since lessons were taught only in Japanese, that challenged my understanding and listening skills. As time goes by I slowly get used to the teaching system and thanks to that I am able to communicate more, read and write, understand and improved my listening skills. Now my JLPT level is N3 and planning to take N2 level next JLPT exam. I am grateful for everyone around me and helped me achieve this goal. In TCJ there is a club that I joined called oshaberi club, it also helped me improve my communication skills, anyone can join the club and make new friends from other class, level and nationalities. They also have many different school events like tea ceremony and making a Christmas wreath. I really enjoyed studying in TCJ not only because I gained new friends from different countries but most importantly my Japanese skills improved a lot and the teachers were kind and really helps the students. I can confidently say that studying in TCJ is really worth a try, of course we also do our part to do our best in our learnings because the teachers are also trying their best for us to understand the lesson easily. And lastly, i would like to say for other students and future students of TCJ to enjoy and keep up the good work, just study hard and aim for the goal because nothing is impossible.
& DM