Japanese Level at Admission / N1
What kind of career path did you take after graduating from TCJ? Also, please tell us the reason why you chose your career path.
I chose Yoneyama Fashion Business College because I am interested in fashion. I would like to get a job related to fashion. I have a passion for fashion design and garment making and would like to realize my dreams in this field. I plan to learn related specialized knowledge and techniques, accumulate experience, and constantly explore new things. I believe that through hard work and hard work, you can achieve success in the fashion industry and bring more beauty and confidence to people.
What are your goals and dreams for the future? Please be as specific as possible.
I would like to get a job related to fashion in the future. I have a passion for fashion design and garment making and would like to realize my dreams in this field. I plan to learn related specialized knowledge and techniques, accumulate experience, and constantly explore new things. I believe that through hard work and hard work, you can achieve success in the fashion industry and bring more beauty and confidence to people.
Please give some advice to students who will join TCJ in the future and current students based on your experience.
At TCJ, classes were divided by career path and level from the time I entered the school, so I was able to study Japanese and prepare for higher education smoothly. The study room can be used at any time, so please take advantage of it. The teachers are kind and I have fun every day. When I entered TCJ, I was at the JLPT N3 level, but I was able to pass N2 before taking the exam. I am grateful to the teacher who taught me carefully. The results of your efforts at TCJ will definitely lead to your future. Please do your best.
& DM