I was born in Ghana and most Ghanaians are not familiar with the use of the computer. I am interested in developing my own app which will help Ghanaians and many people in the world to send and receive information very easily. So I entered Azuma Network Engineering Vocational schood to study network Engineering after graduating TCJ.
In three years, I would like to study mixtures thoroughly in graduate school and be able to write a thesis. The company I work for has an annual technical presentation, and next year I plan to give a presentation on concrete. Currently, I am working as a supervisor at a site called the Electric Cable Joint Construction, and I am learning about this new world every day.
Thanks to all TCJ teachers for taking time to explain word in an easier way to me. I was able to pass N3, because of the good training I took from TCJ teachers. I will advice any new students to at least learn the basic of Japanese before coming to Japan and I hope the Good Teachers in TCJ are doing their best to help Students to achieve their dreams.