Japanese Level at Admission / N1
What kind of career path did you take after graduating from TCJ? Also, please tell us the reason why you chose your career path.
I came to Japan because of Japanese technology. I had always planned to get a job after graduating from TCJ. Since I was in Myanmar, I wanted to study Japanese technology and work for a Japanese technology-related company, especially a car-related company, so I decided to study abroad at TCJ. It was really difficult at first, but thanks to my teachers, I was able to get a job and follow the path I wanted. I am truly grateful to the teachers at TCJ.
What are your goals and dreams for the future? Please be as specific as possible.
My dream for the future is to become a car design engineer. The job I have just been assigned is a mechanical design job, so I will continue to gain experience and do my best.I believe that Japan will make my dreams come true. I want to learn various things in Japan and become a person who can be useful to some part of the world.
Please give some advice to students who will join TCJ in the future and current students based on your experience.
TCJ was a really good school for me. I think this is a school that offers various classes and supports the path you want to take. Even though I don't speak much Japanese, I was able to speak properly, and I was able to turn my weaknesses into strengths. I think it's great to be a student at TCJ.

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