Japanese Level at Admission / N2
Q. What kind of career path did you take after graduating from TCJ? Also, please tell us the reason why you chose your career path.
I entered the Department of Applied Information Technology at Hosei University. When I was a volunteer at a facility for people with disabilities, I experienced the hardships of life for people with disabilities and their families. People with physical disabilities, in particular, cannot move around as much as they would like and cannot do much of what they want to do in the real world. Since then, I have been wondering if I can bring some positive change to the lives of disabled people. Nowadays, with the development of VR technology, it is becoming possible to do things in the virtual world that cannot be done in the real world. Therefore, I believe that by using the knowledge and technology of information engineering, disabled people can move in the virtual world with their own senses and enjoy their lives. I believe that not only disabled people but also their family members can share in the enjoyment, which may ease the pain of both parties regarding their disabilities. At the Department of Applied Information Technology at Hosei University, where research in this field is being conducted, I would like to conduct more in-depth research to make my future dreams come true.
Q. What are your goals and dreams for the future? Please be as specific as possible.
I would like to make use of what I learned at university to digitize and visualize the feelings and thoughts of people with disabilities and link them to VR so that they may experience the sensation that they are moving in the virtual world. At the moment, I mainly study in the Department of Information engineering, but I think that in order to make my dream come true, I will also need knowledge of bioinformatics and mechanical engineering. Therefore, I plan to take these subjects in the next four years. In my third year, I plan to join a laboratory in this field and actually participate in research so that I can put my own ideas of digitizing and visualizing the ideas of people with disabilities and linking them to VR into practice. After graduating from university, I plan to go to graduate school to study this field more deeply.
Q. Please give some advice to students who will join TCJ in the future and current students based on your experience.
Prior to enrolling at TCJ, I have been studied Japanese on my own and just completed the JLPT N2 exam. But, my vocabulary and grammar were particularly weak, so I joined the beginner's class after I entered TCJ. In the beginner's class, the teachers carefully taught us the basics of Japanese language. I was finally able to solidify my basic skills there. Three months later, I took the test for admission to TCJ's Advanced Class, and finally entered it. I studied for EJU every day and took mock exam regularly. I had the chances to practice speaking Japanese and make a presentation. In TCJ's Advanced Class, the homeroom teachers seriously checked and revised my application documents and gave me many mock interviews for further study. What I have learned at TCJ has been very useful to me at the university. If you want to go to a university, please make the most of your time at TCJ.
& DM